Windows on Windows

Summer 2021. I started with a basic unit: a window drawn in perspective with grid lines slanting. Linear perspective! Super simple visual technique to create the illusion of space on a 2d surface. Made a bunch of screenprints onto all sorts of surfaces including transparencies. Worked at Montserrat with Len Thomas-Vickory!

Layers layers layers overlap. A wallpaper pattern that sometimes lays flat along the wall plane, and sometimes pops up and conflicts. Complexification. What if you print a window over a window? What if there are faceted sculptures or faceted landscapes? Experimenting with types of paper and printing onto transparencies. Drawing back in with heavy lines. Layering drawings and prints and overlays and lighting them. You see the lines but also the cast shadows of the lines. Photographing this moment of line with shadows of the line cast onto more lines. Space gets all flippy-floppy. Which way is which?


Newest unsquare room


Bas Relief (two views)